性别:男 职务:软件工程系主任 职称:教授 学位:博士 学术职务:中国人工智能学会粒计算与知识发现专委会委员 研究领域:人工智能、粒计算、流计算、三支决策、集成聚类、数据挖掘等 个人简介: 徐健锋男 江西省南昌县人 博士、 教授、南昌大学软件学院软件工程系主任,江西省智慧城市重点实验室副主任,研究生导师,美国东华盛顿大学访问学者。中国人工智能学会粒计算及知识发现专委会委员、江西省03专项专家组特聘专家,多个政府智库专家。主要研究兴趣包括 粒计算、流计算、三支决策、集成聚类等方面。在中外刊物、国际会议发表相关研究论文60余篇,其中SCI、EI收录30余篇,参与编撰出版专著2本,授权发明专利7项。先后主持和参与粒计算及不确定性信息处理相关领域国家基金项目4项:另外主持相关研究领域省厅级纵向课题7项,企业横向课题50余项。2021年获得江西省科技进步二等奖。 徐健锋教授在教学和人才培养工作中也取得了优异成果。近6年连续评为南昌大学校级优秀班级导师,指导大学生获得各类科技竞赛国家级三等奖以上奖项40余项,主持和参与省级教改课题6项,指导国家级大学生双创项目8项,指导研究生获得国家奖学金7人次,指导本科生获得校级百优论文8人次。作为核心成员获得省级教学成果二等奖1项,校级教学成果奖3项。 科技成果: Prizes & Awards(获奖) Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize (ranked 2nd). Jiangxi Province, 2021. Teaching Achievement Award, Second Prize (ranked 4). Jiangxi Province Selected Patents(部分授权发明专利) Jianfeng Xu, Jjunjie Wu, et al, A hybrid reinforcement learning method of LSTM and gcforest algorithm for distribution network transformer load forecasting (一种Lstm与Gcforest 算法混合强化学习的配网变压器负荷预测方法),Chinese patent, issued by State Intellectual Property Office of PRC, April 2022. Patent number ZL 2019 1 0725756.5. Jianfeng Xu, Chunjie Pan, et al,An unsupervised adaptive pedestrian re recognition method( 一种无监督域自适应的行人重识别方法),Chinese patent, issued by State Intellectual Property Office of PRC, May 2022. Patent number ZL 20201 0583041.3. Jianfeng Xu, Jjunjie Wu, et al, A micro expression compression method based on Three Way Decision and optical flow filtering mechanism(一种基于三支决策和光流过滤机制的微表情压缩方法)Chinese patent, issued by State Intellectual Property Office of PRC, April 2022. Patent number ZL 2019 1 075756.5. Jianfeng Xu, Yuanjian Zhang, et al, A Routing Method for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Hierarchical Game of Quotient Topology Energy. Chinese patent, issued by State Intellectual Property Office of PRC, January 2016. Patent number ZL 2013 1 0213519.3. Jianfeng Xu, Yuanjian Zhang, et al, A Routing Method for Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Hierarchical Dynamic Programming of Quotient Topology Energy. Chinese patent, issued by State Intellectual Property Office of PRC, January 2016. Patent number ZL 2013 1 0214115.6. National Natural Science Foundation of China, total ¥340000, 2023-2026. National Natural Science Foundation of China, total ¥470000, 2018-2021. Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province, total ¥60000, 2020-2023. Science and Technology Department Project of Jiangxi Province (Foreign Science and Technology Cooperation Program), total ¥600000, 2013-2015. Science and Technology Project of Jiangxi Province (Social Development), total ¥60000, 2013-2015. Science and technology research project of Education Department of Jiangxi Province, total ¥30000, Power big data algorithm research and development project of Taihao Software Co., Ltd Jiangxi Province, total ¥1000000, 2015-2020. Selected Papers(代表论文) Jianfeng Xu, Duoqian Miao*,Yuanjian Zhang,.Piece-wise Delay Cost-sensitive Three-way Decisions Journal of Software(软件学报), 2022,33(10):37553776 Zhibin Zhao#, Jianfeng Xu#, Yanlong Zang and Ran Hu, Adaptive Abnormal Oil Temperature Diagnosis Method of Transformer Based on Concept Drift, Applied Sciences-Basel 11(14), JUL 2021. Jianfeng Xu, Yuanjian Zhang, Duoqian Miao*,. Three-way Confusion Matrix for Classifification: A Measure Driven View, Information science, 507 (2020) 772~794. Wu Junjie, Xu Jianfeng*, Lin, Deyu, Tu, Min, Optical Flow Filtering-Based Micro-Expression Recognition Method, electronics, 9(12), DEC 2020 1~19. Jianfeng Xu, Duoqian Miao*,, Yuanjian Zhang, Zhifei Zhang, A three-way decisions model with probabilistic rough sets for stream computing, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 88(2017)1~22. Jianfeng Xu, Yuanjian Zhang, Peng Zhang, Azhar Mahmood, Yu Li, Shaheen Khatoon, Data mining on ICU mortality prediction using early temporal data: A survey, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2017.01.16, 16(1):117~159. Wei.Liang, Yuanjian.Zhang,Janfeng Xu*, Optimization of Basic Clustering for Ensemble Clustering: An Information-theoretic Perspective, IEEE Access.2019.11,7 :179048~179062 Wen quan Yi, Fei Teng, Jianfeng Xu*, Noval Stream Data Mining Framework under the Background of Big Data, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 2016.06.21, 16(5):69~76. Jianfeng Xu, Yu Li, Yuanjian Zhang et al. WSN Missing Data Imputing Based on Multiple Time Granularity, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 2016, 9(6): 263~273. Xu Jianfeng, Tang Tao, Short term traffic flow forecasting based on multi machine learning competition strategy, Transportation system engineering and information, 2016.08.16, 185~190 , Jianfeng Xu, Yuan Xu, Yuanjian Zhang, Combining Semantic Comprehension and Machine Learning for Chinese Sentiment Classification, The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal, 2015, 7:1660~1666. Jianfeng Xu, Yuanjian Zhang, Azhar Mahmood, et al, A Hybrid Framework for ICU Mortality Prediction, Journal of Software Engineering, 2014, 8(4): 361~374. 姓名:徐健锋 出生年月: 1973.2
School of Software,Nanchang University