Rao Hong
Professor, Dean of the Software School Mentor of Software Engineering Email: raohong@ncu.edu.cn Phone:0791-88304080 Office:Room 220, Software Building Primary Research Interests Intelligent Systems Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence Multimodal Learning Publications: 1.Zhichao Yu, Zichao Yang, Frank Fiedler, Hong Rao, William Wei Song (2021) Power Generation Prediction of Residential Photovoltaic Equipment Based on Online Transfer Learning Model, in proceedings of 4th International Conference on Big Data Technologies (ICBDT 2021) 2.Lili Fan,Hong Rao,Wenji Yang, 3D Hand Pose Estimation Based on Five-Layer Ensemble CNN,SENSORS,vol.21(2),2021 3.Mingshu Ji,Hong Rao*,Zhixun Li,Jian Zhu, and Ning Wang,Partial Multi-view Clustering Based on Sparse Embedding Framework[J]. IEEE Access, 2019 v7:29332-29343(SCI zone 2) 4.Wenying Duan,Liu Jiang,Ning Wang, and Hong Rao*. Pre-Trained Bidirectional Temporal Representation for Crowd Flows Prediction in Regular Region[J].IEEE Access, 2019 V7:143855-143865(SCI zone 2)Rao Hong
School of Software,Nanchang Uniersity
Address: No. 235 East Nanjing Road, Qingshanhu District, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China
Postcode: 330047
Tel: +86 (0)791 88305687
E-mail: rjxy@ncu.edu.cn